Libro Évaluation pharmacognostique et phytochimique de Phyllanthus amarus (en Francés) De
Depuis plusieurs années, la production de substances dérivées de plantes a considérablement augmenté dans les pays développés. Cet article résume les informations concernant la morphologie, l'écologie, l'ethnopharmacologie, la phytochimie, les activités biologiques, les applications cliniques et les rapports toxicologiques de P. amarus.-ver
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:Phyllanthus Amarus SchumOLAJIDE OLUTAYO OLAWUMI · Aqueous extract of Phyllanthus amarus (P. amarus) treatment exhibited potent anticarcinogenic activity against 20-methylcholanthrene (20-MC) induced sarcoma
A review on pharmacognostical, Phytochemical, Pharmacological properties of Phyllanthus amarus
International Journal of Biomedical And Advance Research ISSN: 2229-3809 (Online) Journal DOI:10.7439/ijbar CODEN:IJBABN Review Article A review on pharmacognostical, Phytochemical, Pharmacological properties of Phyllanthus amarus
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· Phyllanthus amarus is a member of the family Euphorbiaceae. Carry me seeds, stone breaker, gala of wind, bhumi amla and jangli amli are some common name of this plant. Ethno-botanically and
Phytochemicals, mineral content and antimicrobial screening of Phyllanthus amarus
This study evaluated the inhibitory effects of Phyllanthus amarus extracts on Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus pyogenes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans. These
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Phytochemical Screening of whole plant extract of Phyllanthus
Phyllanthus amarus has been used traditionally in several health problems such as diarrhoea, dysentery, dropsy, jaundice, intermittent fevers, urinogenital disorders,
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· Aim In this study, P. amarus extract was standardized for phyllanthin content by high performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis. The preventive role of a standardized extract of P. amarus against CC1 4-induced hepatotoxicity in vivo and in vitro using mice model and
Etude de la composition chimique et du potentiel pharmacologique associé de Phyllanthus amarus
pharmacologique associé de Phyllanthus amarus Schum et Thonn. (1827) “ Grenn anba fèy ” Mélissa Matou, Sylvie Bercion, Patrick Merciris, Nicole Laurent Meyssonier, Déborah Fernand, Therese Marianne-Pepin To cite this version: Mélissa Matou, Sylvie
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· Histological studies of the effects of oral administration of aqueous extract of Phyllanthus amarus commonly used in ethno medical practice in Africa for the management of various ailments such as kidney stones, dysentery, jaundice, diarrhoea and urogenital diseases on the kidney of adult Wistar rats were carefully studied.
Phyllanthus Amarus: A Review-Pharmacognosy
Phyllanthus amarus herb has found its traditional usefulness in several health problems such as diarrhoea, dysentery, dropsy, jaundice, intermittent fevers, urinogenital disorders, scabies and wounds. Further, these are used in the treatment of kidney
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évaluation pharmacognostique et phytochimique de Phyllanthus amarus
ÉVALUATION PHARMACOGNOSTIQUE ET phytochimique de Phyllanthus amarus par Tapan Behl-EUR 57,63. À VENDRE! valuation pharmacognostique et phytochimique de Phyllanthus amarus by Tapan Behl, Sukhbir 364773362089
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DE PHYLLANTHUS AMARUS SCHUMACH & THONN, DEUX EUPHORBIACEAE UTILISEES DANS LE TRAITEMENT DES 2006). Le but de cette étude est d'évaluer le profil phytochimique et l'activité bactéricide ou
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· Senna alata and Phyllanthus amarus were evaluated in-vitro for their antimicrobial effectiveness on Escherichia coli puesto que a una concentración de 3% mostró un halo de 9.7 mm, este
:Phyllanthus Amarus SchumCulinary HerbsHerbal MedicineMedicinal Plants · Phyllanthin was isolated from P. amarus leaves by column chromatography and purified by recrystallization to obtain phyllanthin crystals with a
Phyllanthus amarus | TRAMIL
Phyllanthus amarus Nom scientifique : Phyllanthus amarus Schumach. & Thonn. Famille: PHYLLANTHACEAE Noms vernaculaires Autres noms vernaculaires Haïti: Dèyè Deyè do Deye do
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INTRODUCTION Phyllanthus amarus (Schum a Thonn) est une plante herbacée du genre Phyllanthus appartenant à la famille des Euphorbiaceae. Cette plante annuelle de 30 à 60 cm de haut pousse
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· This study was to evaluate the traditional medicinal use of Phyllanthus amarus in Northern of Benin among three majority ethnic groups and process to phytochemical and toxicological analyses of
· En effet, la Phyllanthus amarus est une petite herbe annuelle à tiges dressées, de 30 à 60 cm de hauteur qui, après écorchure, la tige laisse échapper un latex translucide. Selon Ulrich, au cours de la production, « elle se ramifie rapidement pour laisser place à des sortes de tiges composées à folioles alternes.
(PDF) Phyllanthus amarus: Ethnomedicinal uses, phytochemistry and pharmacology…
Introduction Phyllanthus niruri is a traditional shrub of the genus Phyllan-thaceae with long-standing Ayurvedic, Chinese and Malay ethnomedical records. Preliminary studies from cell and animal model have provided valuable scientific evidence for its use. Aim This
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:Purnima Hamrapurkar, Sandeep Pawar, Mitesh PhalePublish Year:2010
An insight into the potent medicinal plant Phyllanthus amarus
Phyllanthus amarus Schum. and Thonn., a globally distributed herb is known for its several therapeutic potentials. P. amarus has a long history of use in the traditional
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Phyllanthus amarus Lin. Schum. & Thonn: A critical review on
Phyllanthus amarus herb has found its traditional uses in many health problems because of its efficacy in the field of gastrointestinal disorders. If the selection of plants is made on the grounds
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· Verma and others published Phyllanthus amarus: A review | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate (IR, 1HNMR, MS), which revealed the compound as 1-de (oxygalloyl)-2ˈ
· In the study of de Oliveira no lignans were found in the callus culture of P. amarus 31. Nitnaware et al. showed that concentration of phyllanthin and hypophyllanthin in the microshoots regenerated from leaf-derived callus in a presence of TDZ was several times higher (456.4 µg/g and 332.7 µg/g, respectively) than in callus, but it was much
:Phyllanthus Amarus SchumAnti-inflammatory SupplementsPublish Year:2018 · Phyllanthin, a characterizing compound present in the plant Phyllanthus amarus is used as hepatoprotective, antiviral and hypoglycemic drug. Phyllanthin was
· Abstract Phyllanthin is a major bioactive lignan component of Phyllanthus amarus, with several known biological activities.This study dealt with the isolation and physicochemical characterization of phyllanthin. Phyllanthin was isolated from P. amarus leaves by column chromatography and purified by recrystallization to obtain phyllanthin
Bhumyamalaki-Phyllantus amarus-Kuriwaji
Phyllantus amarus. Es la hierba ayurvédica por excelencia para el hígado. Tiene un sabor muy amargo y tiene una acción refrescante, calmante y limpiadora. Con su especial afinidad por el hígado, el bhumyamalaki
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· Phyllanthus amarus has been used widely in various traditional medicines to treat swelling, sores, jaundice, inflammatory diseases, kidney disorders, diabetes and viral hepatitis, while its pharmacological and biochemical mechanisms underlying its anti-inflammatory
Phyllanthus amarus (Phyllanthus amarus, Amarus Phyllanthus, Amarus
Phyllanthus amarus (also called Bhuiamla, among many other common names) is a small shrub or herbaceous plant that is native to India, Sri Lanka, and other parts of Southeast Asia. It has a woody stem and small, oval-shaped leaves.
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· @article{Patel2011PhyllanthusAE, title={Phyllanthus amarus: ethnomedicinal uses, phytochemistry and pharmacology: a review.}, author={Jay Ram Patel and Priyanka H. Tripathi and Vikas Sharma and
:Phyllanthus Amarus SchumPublish Year:2014
Phytochemicals, mineral content and antimicrobial screening of
This study investigated the phytochemicals, mineral composition and antimicrobial potential of the leaves, stem, seeds and roots of P. amarus in Abuja, Nigeria. From this study, a