Skeo Skinguard (TF) 6Y85 • High circumferential elasticity • Integrated matrix for low lengthwise stretch • Skinguard Antibacterial • Textured inner surface with with 280 mm,
سؤالSkeo Skinguard (TT/BK) Para um sensação de higiene perceptível. O liner para perna Skeo Skinguard contém um aditivo antibacteriano, que reduz o crescimento de bactérias na transpiração de maneira eficaz – em 99,9%! Assim, odores desagradáveis são evitados e o material do liner, protegido. A matriz de 10 cm de comprimento na região
سؤالProsthetic liner TF SkinGuard® 6Y85 Ottobock The TF SkinGuard®Technology SIL Liner 6Y85 features the new Sanitized® additive. This antibacterial additive protects your liner
سؤالLiners Ottobock is the only company to offer liners made from three different materials – silicone, polyurethane, and copolymer – to give you maximum flexibility in finding the right solution for your patient. These materials perform differently depending upon your patient’s lifestyle and activity. We are also able to incorporate unique
سؤالStabilisierend beim Tragen, antibakteriell gegen Gerüche. Für ein spürbar hygienisches Gefühl. Der Skeo Skinguard enthält einen antibakteriellen Zusatzstoff, der das Wachstum von Bakterien bei der Schweißbildung wirkungsvoll reduziert – um 99,9 %! Dadurch werden unangenehme Gerüche vermieden und das Material des Liners wird geschützt.
سؤالThe Skeo Skinguard lower leg liner contains an antibacterial additive that effectively reduces the growth of bacteria due to perspiration – by 99.9 per cent! This prevents unpleasant odours and protects the liner material. A 10-cm-long matrix in the lower section reduces lengthwise stretching of the liner.
سؤال:6Y80 / 6Y85 / 6Y88 ダウンロード (PDF 499.16 KB)› カタログ シリコーンライナー :6Y70 / 6Y75 / 6Y78 のOttobock Ottobock プライバシーの Corporate Home Compliance
سؤالSkeo Skinguard. For a noticeably hygienic feel. The Skeo Skinguard lower leg liner contains an antibacterial additive that effectively reduces the growth of bacteria due to perspiration – by 99.9%! This prevents unpleasant odors and protects the liner material. A 10-cm-long matrix in the lower section reduces lengthwise stretching of the liner.
سؤالتتراوح أسعار بطانة السيليكون للاطراف الصناعية من 250 إلى 700 يورو. تختلف الأسعار وفق ا للخصائص والعلامة التجارية وأنواع بطانات السيليكون. تعرف على أنواع السليكون ومميزات العلامات التجارية Ottobock وÖssur وAlps.
سؤال6Y88 TF 3Dライナーは(ふとももでの)のシリコーンライナーです。のいのをし、とをみわせた3Dです。ライナーではのやのみなどフィットにしていなかったにしてきたいライナーです
سؤالJiž přes 100 let se snažíme poskytovat lidem po amputaci tu nejlepší možnou kvalitu života. U uživatelů našich protéz vyzvídáme, co bychom ještě mohli vylepšit, a získané informace předáváme do vlastního vývoje. Proto můžeme pravidelně přicházet s technologickými novinkami, které udávají tempo nejen u nás, ale
سؤالThe TF SkinGuard®Technology SIL Liner 6Y85 features the new Sanitized® additive. This antibacterial additive protects your liner against bacteria and therefore prevents unpleasant odours. Sanitized® preserves the material, improves hygiene and increases the level of wearer comfort. The TF SkinGuard®Technology
سؤالLiner Ottobock 6Y85 Skeo para Amputação Transfemoral Com Conexão e Com Revestimento Em Tecido, Evita O Atrito Entre O Coto e a Prótese. Ótimos Preços
سؤال1M10 Adjust incl Footshell. Mechanical feet Ottobock offers prosthetic feet for nearly every patient need and activity level. With our expertise in materials technology and our extensive mechanical testing capabilities, Ottobock feet provide superior performance as well as durability. Contact your Ottobock Sales Representative to learn more!
سؤالCharacteristics. • Soft, flexible, thermoplastically formed copolymer. • Thinner wall thickness in rear proximal area (3mm) for optimal knee flexion. • Medical-grade white oil. • Medical grade white oil. • 3mm side wall thickness. • Distal elongation reducing matrix (6Y90) • Soft, flexible, thermopastically.
سؤالStabilises during wear, antibacterial to prevent odours. For a noticeably hygienic feeling. The Skeo Skinguard contains an antibacterial additive that effectively reduces the growth of
سؤال<p>El liner de muslo Skeo 3D transcurre en la zona distal en forma cónica y aloja con especial delicadeza también los tejidos blandos. En la parte superior, el liner tiene forma cilíndrica y envuelve el muñón con eficacia. La matriz continua contrarresta la elongación longitudinal del liner.</p> <p>El Skeo 3D 6Y87 (transfemoral) puede combinarse con
سؤال6Y85-Prothesenliner Skeo Skinguard Stabilisierend beim Tragen, antibakteriell gegen Gerüche Für ein spürbar hygienisches Gefühl. Der Skeo Skinguard enthält einen antibakteriellen Zusatzstoff, der das Wachstum von Bakterien bei der Schweißbildung 99,9
سؤالStabilises during wear, antibacterial to prevent odours. For a noticeably hygienic feeling. The Skeo Skinguard contains an antibacterial additive that effectively reduces the growth of bacteria during perspiration-by 99.9%! This prevents unpleasant odours and protects the liner material. A continuous matrix reduces the longitudinal stretch of
سؤالItem #: 6Y70. This is a SPECIAL ORDER item and delays in shipping could apply. Silicone liner featuring distal connection; without Skinguard Technology. More details. Discontinued.
سؤالSkeo Skinguard. Pour une sensation d'hygiène tangible. Le Skeo Skinguard contient un additif antibactérien qui réduit efficacement la croissance des bactéries lors de la formation de la sueur-de 99,9 % ! Cela permet d'éviter les odeurs désagréables et de protéger le matériau de la doublure. Une matrice continue réduit l'allongement
سؤالDe Skeo Skinguard bevat een antibacterieel additief, dat de groei van bacteriën door het zweten met 99,9 % vermindert. Een ononderbroken matrix vermindert de rek in langsrichting van de liner.
سؤالSkeo Skinguard® with antibacterial properties that improve hygiene and promote healthy skin. Skeo 3D comes closer to the human anatomy for unmatched wearing comfort and
سؤالLe manchon Skeo Skinguard est constitué d'un matériau en silicone agréablement souple. Il contient un additif bactériostatique qui réduit efficacement la croissance des bactéries et limite la sudation tout en évitant les odeurs désagréables. Une matrice distale intégrée permet de réduire les contraintes longitudinales et des effets
سؤالEl Skeo Skinguard contiene un aditivo antibacteriano que reduce un 99,9 % la proliferación de bacterias generadas por el sudor. Una matriz continua reduce la elongación longitudinal del liner.
سؤالكسارة الحجر - يتم بيعها من قبل الموردين المعتمدين، مثل الفك / المخروط / الكسارة التصادمية / المتنقلة، إلخ.
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